DEEP Rebate Awarded at Meeting

Pond Creek Gym and Tanning Center owner Danielle Deterding was awarded a $551 rebate by Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority (OMPA) General Manager David Osburn at the Oct. 9 Pond Creek City Council meeting.

The rebate was awarded in conjunction with OMPA’s Demand and Energy Efficiency Program (DEEP) after the installation of a new HVAC unit that reduced the energy demand at the gym and tanning center, located at 161 W. Broadway in Pond Creek, by 2.76 kilowatts.

DEEP assists OMPA’s 39 member cities with their qualified customers to reduce their electric service energy demands and costs. This program provides rebates to commercial and industrial customers that implement retrofits that reduce their demand at peak times. These projects include lighting, HVAC, refrigeration, commercial food service equipment, pumps and motors.