OMPA Contracts With Automated Energy For Verifying Load Data


FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact Drake Rice, Director of Member Services, 405/340-5047

 OMPA Contracts With Automated Energy For Verifying Load Data

 The Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority (OMPA) has signed a contract with Oklahoma City-based Automated Energy, Inc. (AEI) to assist the joint-action agency with information from demand side management projects for the Authority’s member cities and their customers.  Through OMPA’s Demand and Energy Efficiency Program (DEEP), commercial and industrial customers in 37 member cities are offered rebates for improving energy efficiency and lowering peak demands during the summer. 

Energy efficiency and demand reduction are important issues today in business and industry. The costs associated with each can weigh significantly on the success or failure of a business to produce a profit or even stay in business.  Reducing demand helps the Authority delay the building or purchasing of additional generation facilities and helps hold down future electric costs.

Any project may qualify where electric equipment will be replaced with higher-efficiency electric equipment that has a lower energy demand.  Opportunities for DEEP projects may exist in the following areas: lighting, HVAC, refrigeration, commercial food service equipment, pumps and motors.

In order to qualify for a DEEP project and to be considered for approval, customers must be willing to spend at least as much on the project as the rebate amount and the load must be normally operated during the summer billing period of June through September.  Funds available for an individual project are determined through submission of detailed project plans.      

AEI is verifying and evaluating the success of OMPA’s DEEP projects through the collecting of metered load data from the participating commercial and industrial customers.  The company provides the results from this collected data to the customer and the city through its Load Profiler™ application to help them maximize their demand reduction projects. This load profile information is then used to measure the effectiveness of the various energy efficient efforts.

According to its website,, “AEI is a leading provider of web-based energy information services to utilities, demand response providers, energy service companies, and corporate energy consumers.  Utilizing the internet and existing metering technologies, AEI gives energy users access to their energy usage anywhere anytime by simply logging on to the web using their Internet Browser.”

For additional information on DEEP, go to

OMPA is a state governmental agency created by the legislature to serve cities and towns that own and operate their electrical distribution systems and is governed by the members.  The Authority presently serves 37 municipally owned electric systems in Oklahoma.
